Mentoring Pairs
Technological Teatimes

The female development mentoring is a great chance for the young women planning their careers in global corporations, research institutions, universities, in creating their own startup or otherwise conquer the world of technology and science. 50 exceptional Mentors will share their experience with STEM students and PhD students.
The Lean in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) program is a package of networking, inspiration and mentoring solutions supporting the development of women’s careers in the technology industry and science.
The inspiration for it was the memorable book by Sheryl Sandberg, the Facebook CEO, Lean in (pol. Włącz się do gry). The book encourages women in male-dominated industries to support each other, their skills and leadership ambitions.
Female Mentoring
is a partner relationship between the mentor and the mentee, focused on discovering and developing the mentee’s potential. It is based on inspiration, stimulation and consulting drawing from the knowledge, life experience and professional experience of the mentor. Mentoring is a two-way process – not just the mentee gains from this relationship, but also the mentor, who has the chance to see many things from another perspective and collect many new impulses for personal development.
The term mentor
comes from the Greek Odyssey – from the name of Odysseus’s friend, Mentor, to whom, when departing for Troy, he entrusted his entire house and asked him to watch over everything. Mentor’s task was to bring up, educate and perfect Telemach – Odysseus’s son. Today the term mentor denotes a person with developed skills, charismatic, trustworthy. A master, a kind of a role model – an example to follow in professional and personal life.