Impact in numbers
High school graduates
Girls As Engineers!
Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit
Coding Kids
IT for SHE volunteering
In Mentoring Program

As part of summer and autumn volunteering, IT / TECH students teach children from small towns and villages to program, arousing interest in new technologies.
A country-wide campaign encouraging girl high school students to take interest in technical and scientific studies. Led in close cooperation with Polish technical universities. 16th edition will be held in 2023.
An Intel-Perspektywy grant program for talented female students studying subjects related to new technologies. Mentoring + 12 000 PLN + summer internship at Intel.
A chance-equalising, development-enabling and educating grant programme for female high school graduates who are passionate about technology and who just started studying at technical universities or STEM faculties of regular universities and need material support to develop their passion.
A project for female IT students: Mentoring, Women in Tech Camp, Volunteering and a country-wide tech Camp – created with 12 high tech partners.
An Intel-Perspektywy grant program for talented female students studying subjects related to new technologies. Mentoring + 12 000 PLN + summer internship at Intel.
Ideas for tech/science startups – we help turn them into real businesses, thanks to our wonderful Mentors, Experts and on- and off-line training. The program is implemented jointly with the Citi Foundation, in cooperation with the Kronenberg Foundation.
An Intel-Perspektywy scholarship programme for talented female students of Ukrainian origin, in study specialities related to new technologies. Mentoring + 20,000 PLN!
The Perspektywy Women in Tech activities in the in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia countries: promotion of Poland as an IT Hub, grants to come for the “Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit,” bioengineering and clean tech science projects.
The biggest conference for women in technologies in Europe. 3 stages, 80 workshops, 100 exceptional tech speakers from all over the world.
The first online festival for women in technology!
Specialized programming training - upskilling school.
Hackathon series
Women in Tech 4 Good.
The flagship female mentoring program in STEM. 50 exceptional mentors – CEOs, managers, scientists, startupers and popularisers share their knowledge and experience with students and PhD students from technical and science faculties.
The biggest conference for women in technologies in Europe. 3 stages, 80 workshops, 100 exceptional tech speakers from all over the world.
Ideas for tech/science startups – we help turn them into real businesses, thanks to our wonderful Mentors, Experts and on- and off-line training. The program is implemented jointly with the Citi Foundation, in cooperation with the Kronenberg Foundation.
The mentoring and training program for future leaders in tech field dedicated to those who want to make real changes - implemented together with Motorola Solutions.
The acceleration program for 10 female startups in Agritech and Agrifood fields implemented together with EIT FOOD.


Konferencja prasowa DNP na Politechnice Warszawskiej
Prezentacja Raportu “Kobiety na politechnikach 2018”, zapowiedź Ogólnopolskiego Dnia Otwartego dla Dziewczyn – kulminacyjnego punktu akcji „Dziewczyny na politechniki!” i „Dziewczyny do ścisłych!” oraz informacje na temat programu stypendialnego “Nowe technologie dla dziewczyn” i programu inspiracyjnego dla studentek informatyki − “IT for SHE” były najważniejszymi punktami konferencji prasowej, która odbyła się 8 marca na Politechnice Warszawskiej.

Polski projekt “IT for SHE” najlepszym działaniem w Europie dtla kobiet w informatyce

I Ty możesz zostać wynalazcą!
23 marca 2018 r.
Spotkanie uczniów z młodymi wynalazcami

Szkoły z oddziałami dwujęzycznymi lub dwujęzyczne Ustawa Prawo oświatowe określa, że przez oddział dwujęzyczny należy rozumieć oddział szkolny, w którym nauczanie jest prowadzone w dwóch językach: polskim oraz obcym nowożytnym, będącym drugim językiem nauczania.
We inspire, connect and support women in technologies, science and innovation. We encourage them to choose education in the STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). We help them enter the job market and build spectacular careers – in industry, science or by developing their own tech startup. This way we support the emergence of a generation of self-aware women leaders who will change the tech world.
In December 2017 in Brussels, Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Economy and Digital Society, presented the European Digital Skills Award 2017. The IT for SHE program won in the category of actions for the digital skills of women. 247 projects from 27 EU countries applied for the prize.
The award in the Women in IT category was presented for the first time. Its goal is to recognize the achievements and potential of extraordinary, brave young women and girls. Congratulations on IT for SHE and the Educational Perspective Foundation. “I hope your energy and motivation will be infect all of Europe! – said Commissioner Gabriel.
6 Grudzień
Podwieczorek Technologiczny w PG
23 Kwiecień
Dzień Otwarty dla Dziewczyn / Bieg w Kasku – Dziewczyny na Politechniki
Okres letni
Wolontariat IT for SHE
3-4 Grudzień 2020
Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2020
8 Marzec
Konferencja prasowa Dziewczyny na Politechniki
Inauguracja programu IT for SHE
Women in Tech Camp 2020