Mentoring pairs
New start-ups
Valuable trainings

Pierwszy w Polsce program inkubacji startupów STEM tworzonych przez kobiety – oparty na intensywnym treningu umiejętności biznesowych, indywidualnym wsparciu wybitnych Mentorek oraz eksperckim doradztwie dziedzinowym.
The first Polish incubation program for STEM startups created by women – based on intensive business skills training, individual support from exceptional Mentors and targeted expert consultations.
SHESNNOVATION is a unique program addressed to enterprising female students, PhD students and graduates of technical and science faculties (mostly, but not exclusively), where passion for technology meets the business know-how. This is the first and only such program in Poland. It is a series of meetings, workshops and seminars, talks with mentors and experts, the effect of which will be creation of women-led startups in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) area.
Did you know?
that according to the 2018 report by Startup Poland, only 26% of the Polish startups have a woman among their founders? We want more and more women to receive the appropriate tools and competencies to achieve professional success and to make their dreams come true.
Creation of own startups thanks to building the necessary competencies, both business and soft, and to the support from mentors and experts from the SHESNNOVATION Academy.
The Shesnnovation Academy program is a series of specially developed meetings, workshops and seminars, talks with mentors and experts. Cooperation between Mentees and Mentors will be 1:1.
The program will also offer support and inspiration to 10 already existing STEM women-led startups.