Projekt „Polska – międzynarodowy hub edukacji i badań w zakresie IT (Poland IT Hub for You)”, Fundacja Edukacyjna Perspektywy realizuje w latach 2020 i 2021. Prowadzony jest w ramach finansowanego przez Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego programu DIALOG. W ramach projektu realizowane są działania mające na celu zainteresowanie utalentowanych studentów, doktorantów i młodych badaczy z krajów Partnerstwa Wschodniego i Azji Centralnej podjęciem studiów oraz budowaniem kariery naukowej i zawodowej w Polsce. Oferowane też będą stypendia na przyjazd grup studentek IT/TECH/Computer Science na Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2020” – największe wydarzenie dla kobiet w technologiach w Europie
At the Perspektywy Education Foundation we believe in the power of cooperation and knowledge exchange. The dynamically developing Polish ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) market creates the new demand for specialists from all over the world. It is becoming a new platform for building wide cooperation with universities, institutions and most of all with young technology enthusiasts from all over the world.
The Perspektywy Education Foundation will conduct the Poland – the international hub for IT education and research (Poland IT Hub for You) program in 2021 and 2022. It is a part of the DIALOG program financed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The project will involve activities aimed at encouraging talented students, PhD students and young researchers from the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia countries to study and build their scientific and professional careers in Poland. Grants will also be offered to enable groups of female IT/TECH/Computer Science students to come for the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit – the biggest event for women in technology in Europe
We promote Poland in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia countries as an IT Hub IT, and we offer 400 grants for talented women in IT to come for the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit. We travel there to discover and study their view of technology and ICT (information and communication technologies) education. We talk to understand their approach, challenges, and possibilities. We build partnerships with institutions and technical universities.
Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit
We want the event we organise, Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit, to be the melting pot for ideas, inspiration and knowledge from various parts of the world. Innovation starts where different viewpoints meet.
We have hosted delegations from the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus in Warsaw twice already. It is an unforgettable experience for our participants, with great influence on shaping their career paths. Every year we try to monitor the effects of participating in the Summit and today we know one thing – this is a project with great influence on the development of these young women.
Stronger together
Within the Poland IT Hub project, we bring closer together universities and national institutions, building local organising committees and international cooperation.
Ian Organising Committee for the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit has been operating in Ukraine since 2018, comprised of the Ukrainian rectors and representatives of the Embassy of Poland in Ukraine.
In 2019 there was a meeting of the rectors of Polish and Belorussian technical universities in Minsk, focused on the development of academic and scientific exchange between universities.
In 2021 an Organising Committee will be set up in Caucasus and Central Asia.
Project Advisory Committee


Prodziekan Wydziału Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Wiceprezeska Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE